Bringing new light to a different way of brewing.

About Dos Luces Brewery

While bar­ley is high­ly regard­ed in the world of beer, corn is often dis­re­gard­ed as a brew­ing grain and even, at times, treat­ed with dis­dain. How­ev­er, the his­to­ry of brew­ing with corn goes back at least as far as that for bar­ley, and is root­ed right here in the West­ern Hemi­sphere. At Dos Luces Brew­ery, we have explored the his­to­ry behind some of the many styles of beer tra­di­tion­al­ly brewed with corn, and have embraced corn as our core grain. The “Dos” Luces (Two Lights) rep­re­sent our two core types of beer, a corn-based Chicha and a corn and maguey-based Pulque.

Dos Luces. The sun and the moon. Inti and Met­ztli. Chicha and Pulque. We chose the name Dos Luces because it rep­re­sents the dual­i­ty of light – While you might be tempt­ed to imag­ine this as light and dark­ness, we pre­fer to con­sid­er the bright light of day in con­trast to the bright­est bea­con of light at night. Call it divine inspi­ra­tion or sim­ply the accu­mu­la­tion of ideas with­in two swirling brains, Dos Luces rep­re­sents the idea that there is always light when you look for it.

Dos Luces is the result of when two people who love beer get together and start talking.

Judd Bel­stock, the own­er and founder, has been in the beer indus­try since he was 23 years old. His inter­est in Chicha and Pulque began years before he was born, when his father spent time in the moun­tains of Peru, work­ing with the Peace Corps around Cuz­co. After child­hood trips to var­i­ous regions in Mex­i­co, as well as root­ed inter­est in the his­to­ry of the Amer­i­c­as before the Con­quis­ta­dors, Judd went onto a busi­ness career sell­ing and mar­ket­ing beer. That’s where he met Sam Alcaine, and even­tu­al­ly start­ed ask­ing the ques­tion, “What if we fer­ment­ed some­thing oth­er than barley?”

Sam Alcaine, Co-founder, brewed his first beer in col­lege, and has been hooked on fer­men­ta­tion ever since. Son of El Sal­vado­ran and Cuban immi­grants, he has always loved study­ing the unique fer­ment­ed foods and bev­er­ages of the Amer­i­c­as. Sam has been a brew­er, food micro­bi­ol­o­gist, and now is a pro­fes­sor of fer­men­ta­tions. Over the years he’s scoured the States for Pulque, malt­ed corn in his apart­ment, and encour­aged every­one to drink these bub­bling brews. He and Judd met many moons ago, and now the sun has risen on the oppor­tu­ni­ty to fol­low in the foot­steps of rich tra­di­tions and fer­ment some­thing different.

Open in Denver’s Historic South Broadway Neighborhood.

We are very proud to be locat­ed on Denver’s His­toric South Broad­way. What used to be a street filled with antique stores and car deal­er­ships is now turn­ing into a thor­ough­fare filled with restau­rants, brew­eries, recre­ation­al mar­i­jua­na shops, cof­fee roast­ers, and dog­gie day-cares. Our own loca­tion was orig­i­nal­ly used as a sales room for a sup­pli­er of instru­ments for school bands, and lat­er became an antique store. As the street has changed over the decades, and con­tin­ues to change, Dos Luces looks for­ward to being a part of its future. We are very hap­py to be on the same block as food and bev­er­age inno­va­tors like Black Project Spon­ta­neous and Wild Ales, Adeli­tas Coci­na y Can­ti­na, La Doña Mez­ca­le­ria, and Maria Empana­da. With­in just a few blocks, you can also find Grandma’s House Brew­ery, La Chi­va Columbian restau­rant, Some­body Peo­ple, Cluck Chick­en, Cap­i­tal Tea, and Azu­car Peru­vian Bak­ery. We can’t wait to see what comes next!

Follow the Lights

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