Follow The Lights

Bringing new light to a different way of brewing

Dos Luces Brewery


Best Non-Alco­holic Beer, Chicha Morada


Best New Brew­ery Tap­room (Reader’s Choice)

Best New Brew­ery With Old-School Traditions

Current Hours

Monday: 4pm-8pm
Tues — Thurs: 4pm-9pm
Friday: 1pm-10pm
Saturday: 12pm-10pm
Sunday: 12pm-9pm

Gluten-Free Beer in Denver

Open for indoor seating and takeout

Open­ing UPDATE:
We are OPEN for indoor seat­ing dur­ing reg­u­lar hours with 100% capac­i­ty so long as we have seats available.
We will con­tin­ue to abide by all pub­lic health orders, so please be aware of any cur­rent restric­tions upon entering.
See you soon!

Can’t make it to the brew­ery your­self? Buy a beer for some­one else through our “Buy a Teacher or Health­care Work­er a Beer” pro­gram. Alter­na­tive­ly, buy a gift card for your­self and a friend, so that you can enjoy beers togeth­er when we are able to offer indoor seat­ing again.

Find Dos Luces at
Retail Locations

You can find our beers at Divi­no Wine & Spir­its, and select Whole Foods loca­tions around Den­ver. This map will help you find our beer close to you. Since we do not man­age the inven­to­ry at these retail loca­tions, you might want to call ahead to make sure they have our prod­uct in stock.

For thou­sands of years, Chicha and Pulque were the two bright lights illu­mi­nat­ing the way for brew­ers in the Amer­i­c­as. Brewed from gluten-free ingre­di­ents, corn and aguamiel, these beers are rich in fla­vor and deep with his­to­ry. Lit­tle known in the US, Dos Luces looks to these tra­di­tions for inspi­ra­tion and aims to explore the vast pos­si­bil­i­ties these tru­ly Amer­i­can ingre­di­ents hold. Come join us and drink some­thing old and new, com­plex and sim­ple. Come fol­low the lights, come fol­low Dos Luces.

Our brewery is about more than what you drink. It is also about how you come together to drink it.

A welcoming community space.

Whether you choose to enter and relax in our Zóca­lo (or “Cen­tral Plaza”) or ven­ture to our long com­mu­nal Brewer’s table, we want you be a part of the Dos Luces com­mu­ni­ty, and we want to be a part of yours.

That’s why we offer non-alco­holic alter­na­tives to beer, and an envi­ron­ment that’s friend­ly for sin­gles, cou­ples, and fam­i­lies alike. Whether it’s the design of the brew­ery or how you enjoy our beer (we rec­om­mend a 40 oz pitch­er to be shared amongst friends), please take this chance to get to know the per­son sit­ting next to you and enjoy our com­mu­ni­ty together.

Follow the Lights

Please confirm that you are over the age of 21.